Know What to Do Following an Accident
Knowing what to do following a car accident is important. A mobile application called WreckCheck has recently gotten some praise and mention from Maine’s Insurance Superintendent Eric Cioppa. This application comes from the National Association of Insurance Commisioners, and helps give important information on what to do following a crash.
This phone app helps drivers by walking them through what to do after a car accident takes place. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration statistics show that over 5 million car wrecks occur yearly.
Wreckcheck is available to all smartphone users, both Android and iPhone, and it is free. You can check it out by clicking here.
In addition to providing instructions for post-accident procedures, states, “It also provides tips for staying calm, safe, and smart on the road, and makes it easy to capture photos and document the necessary information to file an insurance claim. Additionally, the app lets users e-mail a completed accident report directly to themselves and their insurance agents.”
Uncertainty Following Accidents
Many people have misconceptions about what needs to be done following an accident, which is why the app is so helpful. Drivers were sometimes confused about when it was absolutely necessary to call the police, or unsure of what kinds of information needed to be exchanged.
In the state of Maine, for example, the police should be notified if anyone is injured, killed, or if significant property damage ensues. However, sometimes calling the police and filing a report can expedite insurance claims. states that when sharing information, it is generally a good idea to exchange names and vehicle information including insurance providers. In the state of Maine, drivers can ask to see the other driver’s license.
As you can see, it’s important to know what to do following an accident. Wreckcheck can make life simple, and outline what is supposed to be done, and might even help in keeping you calm in what would otherwise be a really stressful situation.
To familiarize yourself with Maine auto insurance laws, follow this link.
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